Andrea V

Andrea V uploaded a photo

Andrea V

Andrea V uploaded a photo

Andrea V

Andrea V uploaded a photo

Andrea V

Andrea V uploaded a photo

Andrea V

Andrea V uploaded a photo

Andrea V

Andrea V uploaded a photo

Andrea V

Andrea V uploaded a photo

Andrea V

Andrea V uploaded a photo

Andrea V

Andrea V uploaded a photo

Andrea V

Andrea V uploaded a photo

Andrea V

Andrea V uploaded a photo

Andrea V

Andrea V posted the photo album Hollywood

Andrea V

Andrea V became friends with Steven V.

Steven V.
Andrea V

Andrea V became friends with Cat V.

Cat V.
Steven V.

Steven V. became friends with Andrea V

Andrea V
Steven V.

Steven V. liked the song Song: House On A Hill

Song: House On A Hill
Andrea V

Andrea V posted a comment on the video A Therapy of Sorts.

I check on everyone else's daily, but apparently I'm terrible at managing my own site Thank you for the very kind words, John P.. Very much appreciated ❤️......Read more
Andrea V

Andrea V updated her profile

Andrea V

Andrea V uploaded the video A Therapy of Sorts.

Andrea V

Andrea V became friends with C S.

C S.
Andrea V

Andrea V posted the blog post My Eyes Are No Longer Mine.

When you closed your eyes for good,I stopped seeing my own in the mirror.They're still green, outlined in dark blue. They still squint when I smile.Just like yours.  I laugh and I can feel the corners of my lips curl.......Read more
Andrea V

Andrea V posted a comment on the blog post My Favorite Human.

Linda C. Thank you so much for taking the time to read it. It really means a lot :) ......Read more
Andrea V

Andrea V liked the comment on My Favorite Human.

Oh Andrea I love this post. Your incredible.  Eric loved you so. ......Read more
Andrea V

Andrea V posted the blog post My Favorite Human.

  Today marks two months without my brother.Two months where a constant in my life has no longer been a constant. The guilt has proven to be almost stronger than the grief. I should have called him more. I should have asked......Read more
Andrea V

Andrea V updated her profile


Kyle liked the comment on Kyle

Hi Kyle !  Got the notification :)......Read more
Andrea V

Andrea V posted a comment on Kyle's profile

Hi Kyle !  Got the notification :)......Read more
Andrea V

Andrea V liked the comment on Kyle

Hey Andrea V Just checking comment notification.......Read more

Kyle posted a comment on Kyle's profile

Hey Andrea V Just checking comment notification.......Read more